In 2021, Little Rock Air Force Base (AFB) and the surrounding community and stakeholders, completed its first Compatible Use Study (CUS). The Little Rock AFB CUS was a cooperative planning effort among Little Rock AFB, White County, Pulaski County, Lonoke County, Cabot, Sherwood, Jacksonville, Lonoke, Maumelle, North Little Rock and other jurisdictions and other affected stakeholders in the community. The CUS identifies means of promoting responsible land use, accommodating compatible growth and economic development, protecting public safety and quality of life, and sustaining the mission of the Air Force in the region for the long-term. The study was administered by the Jacksonville Economic Development and Cultural Alliance and co-funded through a grant from the Department of Defense (DOD), Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC). The Jacksonville Economic Development and Cultural Alliance selected White & Smith Planning and Law Group, along with its subcontractors Marstel-Day, LLC and Benchmark CMR, Inc. to complete the study.
The final CUS report, project brochures, and committee and Town Hall presentations can be found under the “Project Materials” tab above.
The CUS evaluated current and anticipated land use compatibility between civilian and military land uses near Little Rock AB. The consultant team analyzed current and future land use impacts on Little Rock AFB operations and potential impacts of military operations on the local off-base community. These findings guided the Policy Committee’s recommendations, set forth in Chapter 7 of the report.
Implementation of the CUS’s highest priority recommendations is currently underway and is referred to as “CUS Implementation.” This implementation project was initiated in June 2021 and is being completed by White & Smith along with Marstel-Day, LLC and Benchmark CMR, Inc. An implementation committee of community stakeholders has been appointed to manage the project.
Click on the “CUS Implementation Process” tab above for a description of the work plan and what you can expect along the timeline of this project.
The purpose of the CUS is to encourage local governments, together with the state, to work closely with Little Rock AFB to implement measures that promote compatible development in the areas surrounding the installation, and to preserve and enhance the public health, safety, and welfare of those living and working near Little Rock AFB. Compatible land use planning finds a balance between the needs and interests of the community and the needs and interests of a military installation. The CUS also evaluates ways to enhance communication and coordination among local, regional, and state stakeholders.